

With a special hello to Old Comrades


Very kind of you to call. The primary intent of this site is to display a few pictures and write accounts of adventures and incidents during my 25 years with the Special Investigation Branch of the Royal Military Police, the British army's small and elite investigative force. I try to keep to the facts without treading on too many toes although inevitably some small blemishes may arise due to passage of time and vagaries of long memory. If so, I apologise. Some - very few - names have been changed to protect the guilty. Anyhow - enjoy it.

Following overwhelming requests, there is also a brief account of the SIB on the History page. I derive immense pleasure from recounting those days from long ago, and find that the times seem to grow larger and clearer as they recede from sight. Sadly, many of my old friends and colleagues have left us and no longer have names.

I owe a huge debt of thanks to one person, that little lady who had been my constant companion for +62 years and throughout that time fortified my imagination with endless cups of char. Also I have taken the liberty of shooting a few barbs at some individuals and units from the safety of this site blockhouse. No evil is intended and I'm sure those attacked could return fire in equal measure.

To locate a story click on the title below.

Have a barrel of fun

Contact me

SIB stands for the ‘Special Investigation Branch’, the section of the RMP which specialises in the investigation of the more serious and complicated military criminal and non-criminal offences. The SIB is the equivalent of the Criminal Investigation Department within the civil Police forces.  Just like the CID, the SIB usually work in plain clothes and their role is to investigate and detect the more serious crimes committed against or by Army personnel and their families. That means gathering evidence to support the prosecution or defence of people who have broken civil and/or military laws.  The SIB also investigates serious non-criminal cases such as the leaking of confidential information. 

In 1856, the government made a law that every county, as well as the towns, must provide a police force. Inspectors of Constabulary were appointed to make sure that these police forces were doing their job properly. If they were, the government gave them a grant of money to help run their force. The Inspectors also looked at the town forces.